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Why mindful eating is the best way to manage and lose weight

5 Simple Tips for Developing a Healthier Relationship with Food by Marissa, our in-house nutrition expert at WeRise

Did you know that most of us eat on autopilot? Whether it’s grabbing lunch at our computers, a snack in the car, or eating dinner in front of the TV, this distracted, unengaged eating disconnects us from our hunger and fullness cues - and is the main cause of overeating. So if you want to lose weight and manage your hunger to make hitting your fitness goals much easier, then you need to start eating mindfully.

Before we explain how, if you’re looking to create a structured routine to help you build positive habits and feel amazing, then try our 3 daily non-negotiables, designed to help you stay consistent with your goals - beyond just fitness. It’s totally free and will help provide that extra bit of motivation to stay committed to your goals every day.

I’m Marissa, the nutrition expert at WeRise. In this blog post, I’m excited to share five straightforward tips you can start using today to make mindful eating a natural and achievable part of your routine.

1. Slow Down!

It's not just about what you're eating, but HOW you're eating that makes a big difference. The slower you eat, the easier it is for your brain to register that your stomach feels full. Which means you'll typically wind up feeling fuller on less food than you would normally eat if you were eating quickly.

2. Listen to Your Gut

Mindful eating involves tuning into your body’s natural hunger and fullness signals, so instead of eating by the clock, ask yourself if you’re truly hungry. Use the hunger-fullness scale: aim to start eating at a 3 (slightly hungry) and stop at a 7 (just about full). And try to ignore the instinct that you HAVE to finish everything on your plate. That’s usually just left-over programming from our childhood, it’s totally ok to leave stuff on the plate when you feel just about full.

3. Eliminate Distractions

When you eat, try to remove any distractions. Turn off the TV, put your phone away, and close the laptop. By removing all distractions, you’ll be able to be present with your food and truly appreciate how it makes you feel. You’ll also be more aware of how much you’re eating and when you start to feel full enough to stop.

4. Reflect on Your Emotions

A lot of the time, we end up eating for comfort reasons other than hunger. Stress, boredom, or loneliness can trigger emotional eating. So when you find yourself reaching for food, pause and really think about WHY you’re eating. If it’s not physical hunger, find other ways to address your emotions such as taking a walk or calling a friend.

5. Keep a Food and Mood Journal

Tracking what you eat and how you feel can provide insights into your eating habits and the emotional triggers that kickstart them. By making a note of how certain foods make you feel (both physically and emotionally) you’ll be able to make more conscious food choices as you’ll recognize patterns in your eating behavior. This will also help you stay more committed to your mindful eating, and the journal will provide that feeling of accountability and accomplishment.

By implementing these mindful eating tips, you’ll develop a healthier relationship with your food - and your weight management goals will be much easier to achieve. And remember: Mindful eating is about being present, enjoying your meals, and above all - listening to your body.

If you're looking for guidance and support with your nutrition and eating habits, look no further... the WeRise App can help you to track your macros, inspire healthy eating with our extensive recipe library and build nutritional awareness.

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